Special Attention

Interior images require special attention due to a wide range of exposures, and especially different color casts from various lighting sources, reflected light from grass, colored walls, and furniture.

Ambient and Flash

I use multiple ambient exposures with some flash frames blended in to control color casts, and to help reduce the dynamic range of a space so the camera can better represent the scene.

Lighting and Staging Take Time

These images take longer to setup and light than one might expect. Assuming the staging for the spaces is ready to go, I can deliver 10-15 images a day. I make final tweaks in the staging based on the camera angle to best represent the space. Detail shots require less lighting and setup, and can typically be included in the days shoot. Having an agreed to shot list prior to the photo session is important to get the most out of your project.

I put together a quick video showing the process for the image below.

[twenty20 img1=”84584″ img2=”84585″ direction=”horizontal” offset=”0.5″ align=”right” hover=”true” width=”100%”]

[twenty20 img1=”84582″ img2=”84583″ direction=”horizontal” offset=”0.5″ align=”right” hover=”true” width=”100%”]

[twenty20 img1=”84586″ img2=”84587″ direction=”horizontal” offset=”0.5″ align=”right” hover=”true” width=”100%”]

[twenty20 img1=”84588″ img2=”84589″ direction=”horizontal” offset=”0.5″ align=”right” hover=”true” width=”100%”]

[twenty20 img1=”84590″ img2=”84591″ direction=”horizontal” offset=”0.5″ align=”right” hover=”true” width=”100%”]

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